Ästhetik – Medien – Bildung


Children making Art with Media

A work bDoVoDk

German/English, Munich 2005, 380 pp + DVD
ISBN 978-3-938028-47-6
18,80 EUR
inkl. gesetzl. MWSt - ggfs. zzgl. Porto und Versand


This publication is a contribution to the debate regarding the current attempts of schools in Germany to open themselves up to collaborations with community partners.

Within the context of the KuBiM pilot programme Children making Art with Media, projects were conducted in a number of Berlin elementary, special needs and integrated schools. Through an intensive team research process these were then reflected upon by those participating. Both the question concerning the potential of digital media for students with special needs as well as the critically questioning of this labelling were central topics in the projects. These were broken down into particular situations and school specific questions and answered from a practical perspective. Here the artists, elementary school students, teachers and accompanying researchers publicize not only the results, but also want to provide inspiration, recommendations and individual “recipes” for pedagogic in-school media projects. Througout this process, light is also shed upon the advantages and problems related to working with external and internal school partners.

The book and the DVD are published both in German and English, in order to facilitate a connection to the international debates e.g., about the much further established practice of artists in schools in England.
Both data carriers are intertwined with each other and reveal their information through the reading and cross-referencing of materials. This interdependence of digital and analogue media mirrors the production methods which proved themselves particularly successful in the activities of Children making Art with Media.


Translator´s Notes Rett Rossi

Title Reference Chart


FW:1 Markus Schega

Children, teachers, artists and accompanying researchers make no art (who cares, who names what they make, how) with media - digital and analogue (with what else) Carmen Mörsch

Function and Transformation of the role of media and the implementation of it in Kinder machen Kunst mit Medien Nanna Lüth

Film project Fear of a three-meter diving board Sigrid Lemm

Who is integrated by whom? Sonja Gehrung
Report from the accompanying researcher

The Art of Letting Go Marianne Friedrich Chaos or the highest form of Student-Directed teaching? Experiences during the animation film project Die Angst vor‘m Drei-Meter-Brett

Children making animation films Sigrid Lemm

How do I develop publicity for a project? Torsten Braunsdorf

“I know an Otto.“ Nanna Lüth The transfer of students´media literacy and experiences into the projects

I don‘t believe what this suitcase says... Stephan Samuel Making of geraubt gedopt gestorben

Directing as a Medium Carmen Mörsch Report from the Making of the Video geraubt gedopt gestorben at the Reinfelder School, September 2004

Children can‘t make any film on their own Mathias Thimm

.(laughs) Carmen Mörsch Perspectives of Artists involved in the project Kinder machen Kunst mit Medien 2004

Borders?! Monika Glahn The Research Assignment

An Interview with an affected teacher Sabine Scholze

A Formula for student oriented documentation Andrea Schenk

Interviews about the topic “Grenzen” Ivan Meier- Menzel und Max Sydow with Women (F) and Men (M)

Carmen Mörsch and the students of the Picasso Elementary School, Weißensee: “The content is what happens.“ Carmen Mörsch Report about the project Grenzen?!1 August / September 2004

Documentation and Logbook for the Project Kiezcomic Robert Conev

Kiezcomic Nanna Lüth Report from the accompanying researcher

The KuBiM Projects - When Experiences and Intentions Meet Torsten Braunsdorf Recommendations for future media-art projects with community partners

What I enjoyed about the KuBiM Project - Kiezcomic Robert Conev

A Recipe: The played joke Mathias Thimm

Project Begegnungen auf Augenhöhe Daniel Stephan What do we see? What do others see?

A KuBiM project as a Turbo boost Andrea Schenck & Daniel Stephan or Why the work goes so quickly now…

A does not see, what P sees Nanna Lüth Report from the accompanying researcher

Begegnungen auf Augenhöhe Andrea Schenck und Daniel Stephan A Song of Praise for Co-operation for Two Voices

Special Potentials for Special Needs Sonja Gehrung, Nanna Lüth, Carmen Mörsch

Media Projects and Children with Special Needs for Marianne Friedrich “Emotional and Social Development“ ? How do they fit together?

Final Report 2005
Carl von Linné School for the Physically Challenged
Gudrun Jesch, Frank Schirmer

What I like and what I hate... Martina Becker In the beginning it was...

What I like and what I hate Sonja Gehrung Report from the accompanying researcher

A Recipe: How can I use as many elements as possible from school and classes in order to make the project work productive? Marianne Friedrich

Media Art - Projects without Artists - can it work? Günther Pohl

Dealing with Holes Sonja Gehrung

Learning from Washbasins Markus Schega Transferring recommendations from England for the construction of creative spaces to computer workspaces in schools


